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4 Ways Toxins and Allergens Sneak Into Your Carpets
carpet cleaning

When you look at your carpets, what do you see? Unless you’ve spilt food or drink that’s left a nasty stain, you probably see clean flooring that isn’t causing any problems.

Since many householders choose to tackle carpet cleaning on their own, you might not have considered calling in a professional unless you’ve got staining that won’t budge.

Unfortunately, it’s what you can’t see in your carpets that often poses the most risk. This makes sense when you think about it — after all, carpets are basically large patches of absorbent fabric. Naturally, they’re able to harbour all sorts of toxins and allergens, undetected by human eyes.

So what can you do to combat these dangerous substances? Having your carpet sanitized regularly is the only way to be sure. But understanding how toxic elements get into your carpets also helps you maintain control.

1. Outdoor Footwear

When you take a walk outside, your feet step on all manner of nasty substances. Mud, animal droppings, and plant matter are three of the main offenders, and when you get home, you bring remnants of them indoors with you.

These materials themselves are not necessarily the main problem, though — it’s the bacteria, mould, and fungal spores they normally harbour. In small amounts, they’re not enough to bother most people, but they quickly build up in carpets and can lead to some unpleasant and even dangerous health problems.

Taking off shoes at the entrance to your home is a good habit to get into. An outdoor mat or boot scraper also helps reduce how much dirt is carried inside. Ultimately, however, dirt is impossible to prevent completely, so make sure you have those carpets properly cleaned regularly.

2. Pet Paws

Humans can take off their shoes before they walk on the carpet, but if you have pets, there are members of your household who don’t have that option.

When your cat goes wandering outside or you’ve taken your dog for a walk, you probably don’t give much thought to what they’ve been walking through. Unfortunately, they can easily introduce the same toxins you’ll find on the soles of your shoes.

This is a difficult problem to deal with, since you can’t make pets wear shoes and you can’t stop them going outside. Keep some pet-safe wipes handy to clean particularly dirty paws, and remember that thoroughly sanitized carpets are even more important when there are animals in the house.

3. Cleaning Products

The products you use to keep your home clean and hygienic manage to kill bacteria and remove stains by using some pretty strong chemicals. Sadly, these same chemicals can be quite dangerous in large enough quantities.

When you use a cleaning product, it won’t remain in the air or on hard surfaces for long, so most people assume there’s no problem. However, there’s one place the chemicals can hang around for years: in your carpets.

It’s best to assume that any common cleaning product could be harmful, from window cleaner to hand soap. Some of the quickest to build up, unsurprisingly, are common carpet cleaning products.

4. Ordinary Household Dust

Dust consists mostly of small skin flakes, both human and animal. These tiny particles lead to mould, fungus and dust mites. Dust mites, in particular, can cause significant respiratory problems in a lot of people, even though they’re too small to see.

Alongside skin, your carpets hold onto hair, pet fur, food crumbs and spores that make a nasty cocktail, especially for people with asthma or allergies. Ordinary vacuum cleaning often does little to remove dust from carpets, so don’t assume you’re on top of the problem.

If you’d like to find out more about how we can make your carpets safer for you and your family, contact Davali Chem-Dry today. We’ll be happy to help.