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Dust, Dogs and Dander: How to Manage Your Allergies

If you have an allergy to your furry friend, you’re not alone. Approximately 10% of people have developed an allergy to household pets by adulthood — and you’re twice as likely to be allergic to cats as you are to dogs. Dust allergies are pretty common too.


What do these two types of allergies have in common? They can both be exacerbated by your household carpets.


You might be frustrated to learn that a simple decor choice could be making your allergies worse, but thankfully you don’t need to tear up your carpets just yet — or ever. In fact, you can do a number of things to reduce the effects of these allergens on you and your family.

Air-Filtering Devices

Since carpets are bound to trap allergens to some degree, you should protect the air in your home from any that may be present — as well as work to limit the allergens, of course. An air filter is a good way of going about this.


These devices are compact, inconspicuous and modern-looking, and they can fit neatly into any room. They do not look dissimilar to an internet modem. They are available to suit all budgets, but the quality varies; as with any other electronic item, you will usually get what you pay for.

Regular Professional Cleaning

If you’re trying to combat allergens, regular vacuuming just won’t cut it. The dust mites and particles of dander that cause your discomfort get pressed firmly into the fibres of the carpet every time you walk on it. These are then stirred up around the room as you move around it.


Even strong household vacuum cleaners only tend to clean the surface. By contrast, professional cleaning purges dust and debris from your carpet fibres even when they’re buried very deeply. Removing this build-up of allergens is like pressing a reset button.


Naturally, carpet cleaning is not a one-time solution; you will need to continue the regimen of having your carpets cleaned occasionally in order to continue to reap the benefits, as dust and dander will settle back into the carpet fibres over time.

Allergen Treatments

In order to limit the build-up of allergens between cleanings, you should consider having an allergen treatment applied to your carpets.

This non-scented, non-toxic substance uses acidic chemicals to neutralise the effects of dust mites, dander and some other common allergens without risking the safety of you or your family — including inquisitive cats and dogs.


The treatment is not permanent and will need to be repeated. Treatment duration will vary between specific products but may be as long as six months. Consider including this treatment as part of your regularly scheduled carpet cleaning. And remember, while not all allergen treatments remove cat dander, Chem-Dry allergen products do.

Synthetic Carpet Fibres

If you are in a position to change your carpets, or may wish to replace them in the future, you should consider opting for a synthetic fibre instead of a natural one, such as wool.


Natural fibres are good at trapping the allergens, which makes them collect more quickly — and they’re more difficult to clean. In fact, wool carpets also take much longer to dry than synthetic ones, which could be an invitation to mould. You don’t want to trade one allergen for another!


Conversely, synthetic fibres do not provide a good habitat for allergens and may contain chemicals which repel them. This means that build-up will happen much slower. They’re all preferable to wool, but nylon is one of the best fibres for those with allergies.


In short, if you suffer from allergies, you don’t need to prioritise. You can have your cat, your carpets and your comfort all at the same time — it just requires a little proactive cleaning to manage your home. If you’d like to schedule or discuss a cleaning appointment or allergen treatment, contact us and we’ll be happy to assist you.