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Don’t Let Grease Stain Your Carpets


Most people would never have their kitchen carpeted because of the risk of grease stains, but remember that cooking isn’t the only source of grease. Here are three other rooms in your home where your carpet could get stained by oils along with tips on how to protect your flooring.

The Dining Room: Food Stains

Aside from the kitchen, the other most obvious place in your house at risk of a grease-stained carpet is the dining room. Carpet is one of the less common choices of dining room flooring, but it does exist in many homes. If you’ve chosen it for its warmth and visual appeal or it came pre-laid in your house when you bought it, you need to do your best to protect it from greasy food at mealtimes.

To avoid a grease stain, don’t let any family members with a shaky grip carry food to the table. You should also encourage everyone to eat with their heads leaned over their plates to reduce spills while eating. It’s also a good idea to place stain-resistant mats under high chairs or kids’ seats.

The Bedroom: Beauty Product Stains

Does anyone in your home use their bedroom to get ready in the morning? If so, your bedroom carpets are at risk of being stained by grease. Many common body and beauty products contain oils that don’t clean off fibres easily, including moisturising lotions and make-up products.

The best way to prevent bedroom grease stains is to keep primping and pampering to the bathroom. Of course, this isn’t possible in many smaller homes. If your bathrooms aren’t ideal for getting ready in, the next best solution is to use a bedroom vanity or desk for your morning beauty routine. Desks and vanities come in sizes to fit every room, and you can slip a stain-resistant rug under them to catch any unlucky spills.

Alternatively, when all else fails, applying creams and make-ups while sitting on or near a towel is a quick and cheap way prevent beauty product spills and stains.

The Living Rooms: Furniture Polish Stains

Grease stains also occur commonly in general living areas with wood furniture. From lounge rooms with wooden coffee tables to studies with wooden desks, you need to be careful in any area of the home where you use furniture polish. Most products made for polishing furniture contain oils that make the wood shine and hide scratches. Unsurprisingly, these oils can also leave unsightly stains on carpets if spilled.

As carpet and wood furniture are both so common in living spaces, these rooms can be the hardest to protect from grease stains. However, it’s not impossible to avoid them if you take precautions before polishing your furnishings.

Where possible, try to remove the item of furniture from the room and place it somewhere non-carpeted before polishing it. This is an easy solution for small pieces like single chairs and side tables.

When it comes to bigger pieces of furniture that are hard to move, lay something down to catch the spills like you would if you were painting the room. Try a cloth dust sheet, plastic sheeting, towels or several layers of newspaper in a pinch. If you can, try to manoeuvre your covering underneath the legs of the furniture, as liquid polishes commonly run down the legs and pool on the carpet underneath.

If any of the carpets in your home do come into contact with grease, take steps to minimise the damage. Blot up the excess oil (rather than rubbing it in) and avoid trying to rinse it off, as water and grease don’t mix. You may also be able to absorb more of the excess by sprinkling on a powder like baking soda.

If the mark leaves a stain, the best way to get rid of it without making it worse is to call in a fully-qualified and insured professional. Contact Davali Chem-Dry for efficient and thorough carpet cleaning in the Western Sydney suburbs and Blue Mountain region.