Category Archives: Blog

Very dirty carpet in the room

Dark Lines Around Carpet: Causes, Cleaning, and Prevention

Causes, Cleaning, and Prevention

Have you noticed dark or black lines around your carpet, mostly along the edges of walls, under doors and around the bases of your furniture? If so, you’re likely wondering where on earth they came from and why vacuuming and scrubbing don’t seem to get rid of them.

Here’s all you need to know about what those dark lines are and how to keep them at bay. Continue reading

woman vacuuming

What to Look for in a Carpet Vacuum if You Have Allergies

What to Look for in a Carpet Vacuum

If you suffer from allergies, the carpets in your home can quickly turn from a warm source of comfort into a harmful source of allergens from dust, pet dander, pollen and more. One of the best ways to keep your carpet free from the pollutants that make you sneeze is to vacuum it regularly. However, to remove allergens from your carpet thoroughly and efficiently, you’ll need a vacuum that’s up to the task.


Here are three features you should look for in a new anti-allergy vacuum cleaner. Continue reading